Dashboards for humans
View and analyse all your data, from all your sources, in one place, in all the ways you need to
Custom dashboards
Each dashboard brings your data together into meaningful collections of visualisations designed specifically for your business. Your app (hosted in Splunk - ours or yours!) can provide different dashboards, each with a different focus - profitability, live sales, operational data, cash metrics etc.
Data sources

Stop hunting for answers, your data already knows!
You have all the data, but a lot of it does not play well with others! Each dashboard design and build includes connecting to one data source, and we can add in as many extra sources as you need.
This is where we really get our tech-nerd on, and make the magic happen. You won't see much of the work goes into this part - that's the magic!
Data ingestion & storage

Each dashboard comes with 100MB/day data ingestion and retention for 1 year. Your quota is automatically shared across your dashboards, and for most financial and non-tech operational data, this will be as much as you ever need.
But if you have some very noisy data (that we can't shush!), or you want to keep your data for longer, you can add on extra data packs as needed.
User access

What's the point of creating all these amazing dashboards, giving invaluable insights, if no-one in your organisation can see it? We don't charge per user - you can have as many users as you need, with differentiated role based access to each dashboard.
Under the hood
We build our dashboards in Splunk, bringing the flexibility and power of the platform to smaller businesses and non-technical users in orgs already using Splunk for IT.
Kanoptima hosted: we'll provide you with your own app within our Splunk instance, secured with role-based access and segregated indexes. Our instance is cloud-based, with availability managed by Splunk with enterprise SLAs.
Self hosted: we'll develop an app for your Splunk instance (Splunk Enterprise or Splunk Cloud), and work with you to ensure appropriate RBACs are in place, data is stored in appropriate indexes etc.
Get started
Book in for a chat to find out what's possible for your business.
Every business is unique, so there's no tick-a-box sign-ups here. New business insight provided by bringing all your data together starts with a conversation about what you do and what makes it great. Then we work together to identify how best to integrate and visualise your data to make the magic happen.